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Default Will Sponsons prevent the dreaded BSOD?

Rick and others make money and massage a macho ego by blaming victims
"raves that we are responsible for the deaths of morons who go
in conditions that are well beyond their skills."

Damn, where is this money Tim keeps saying that I am making? Unlike him, I
neither sell, nor rent, nor have a vested interest in ANY boating supplies,
schools, nor any related business. If somebody owes me money, please send it
immediately. As a high school teacher, I could use it. Thanks.

....stuff deleted

"Conditions" are not predictable. Sickness, fast-moving weather,
quickly changing winds have killed the most expert. Canoes and kayaks
are very vulnerable.

While I myself have made the same statements, and agree that backup systems
are important, they are not what keeps one out of trouble. Judgement,
followed by skills will protect you more reliably than any supplemental
rescue device (especially something that is inflatable and more prone to
injury than the human paddler). If you are in such dire conditions that you
need sponsons, you are in serious trouble indeed. Carry them, use them if
you must, but they will not save your life, though they may buy you a modest
amount of time. They may even be useful for alternate purposes, such as
making a sleeping platform for long crossings. If so, buy them from anyone
but Tim (or make your own).

Since capsize is inevitable sometime in such craft, rescue should be
as foolproof as possible. This is the history of lifesaving, medicine,

civilized society. Why
cruelly blame people for their own deaths. Or work to keep canoes and
kayaks as deadly as possible.

This is your agenda, not mine.

"Conditions" are not predictable. Sickness, fast-moving weather,
quickly changing winds have killed the most expert. Canoes and kayaks
are very vulnerable.

Yes, your boat may even be crushed by Tim's body when someone from RBP
realizes that they are sitting next to him on the airplane passing overhead.

Tim, several years ago I tried to be nice and understand your point-of-view.
Sadly, all you have done is prove that you are still a ranting, raving,
lunatic who is in serious need of psychotropic drugs. Perhaps I can
recommend a good psychotherpist? Since Peanuts has ended, I have it on good
authority that Lucy is available at very low rates.
