More info for the Dreaded Debate
....stuff deleted
The moral ethic of these newsgroups, as I have said before, would make
Himmler, or another hate-filled person content. It is very easy to
murder innocent people, who are unsuspecting, and naturally trust that
the instructors' lobby would not try to kill them, or mislead the US
Coast Guard.
This coming from the individual who sent me the following brilliant email in
which he shows his true colors.
From: "R. Tim Ingram"
To: "Rick"
Subject: Anyone using Sponsons?
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 16:54:39 -0500
At least you were not someone's child asshole.
Not that this statement makes any more sense than the drivel he usually
posts, but I feel that since he feels that the quality of one's character
reflects on the role of newsgroups, I feel his should be on public display.