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Brian Nystrom
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Default Much ado about nothing

Rick wrote:
"Tim Ingram" wrote in message

Notice how Brian and Rick want canoes and kayaks as dangerous as

Then they take money from the victims before they die. Then blame them
for their own deaths despite:

Hey, Brian,

That's my money! Give it back, will you.

What money? Contrary to Timmah's erroneous assumptions, I don't get paid
to teach paddling skills and I don't sell boats or gear. Our club
provides a lot of free training and safety information to it's members
and to the public. It's our way of promoting safe, responsible paddling
in the area. We work with the CG, local harbormasters and local
businesses and they're pleased with what we do. The CG in the northeast
region has praised paddlers in the area for their safety consciousness
and high rate of PFD use. The reason for this is strong clubs and
guiding organizations that work to educate the paddling public. The
death rate among sea kayaker here is very low, despite cold water, high
boat traffic and often inhospitable shorelines.

As for Timmah, don't even try to reason with him. It's a complete waste
of time, as safety is NOT his motivation. He's a money-grubbing whackjob
that will stoop to any level to make a buck. He has no interest in
safety, just in lining his pockets. When shown the errors of his ways,
he simply reverts to repeating the same old lies, ad nauseum.