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Sal's Dad
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Default More info for the Dreaded Debate

Gotta agree.

Mr. Ingram takes an extraordinarily offensive approach, in trying to
publicisize what may well be an excellent product. Nothing I have seen
leads me to think favorably of him or his company.

Bug off, Tim. I have a lifetime in "water sports", 20+ years in sea kayaks,
and my 8 year old has been soloing in kayaks for 3 years. If I see a
similar product from a competitor, I will take a long, serious look. But I
will not do business with you.

Curtis (aka Sal's Dad)

"Greg Evans" wrote in message

I don't visit this group often, and will admit to being a novice in the

of water sports.

I have, however, been involved in sales/marketing for over 20 years. I
gotta tell,'re killing yourself here. Even if your product had
everything to be the next "killer app", no one will buy it if your sales
approach is similar to your remarks in this thread.

Here's what I am hearing..."Hey guys, I have an absolutely fabulous

that will save lives. Obviously you guys are pathetic, liars, and idiots
because you don't see how great my idea is." Man...that's a tough
sell...I've been thrown out of clients offices for far, far less than


Perhaps a new approach is in order. Might be worth thinking about.

G. Evans

"Tim Ingram" wrote in message
Dear Larry, Brian, Rick and Himmler:

We see your confirmation today that you will lie (even include rafts
to wildly distort USCG stats), to leave people dead in the water
wearing PFDs or not.

You will kill for little money, or none at all.

Regarding rafts: Canoes and kayaks can be very good life rafts as my
links below describe.

Why not sell canoes and kayaks by safety. Not as much fun as killing I

Your pathetic little newsgroup is only useful as a source for this
study into the murder of US citizens, including kids.


(Tim Ingram) wrote in message

See the 1st 2 messages after Kait O'Hara, analyst hired by the US
Coast Guard, requested information from these august groups. Steve
Scarborough and Mr Reichart come to mind. The stats per 100,000 far
exeed US vehicle deaths.

In fact, canoe and kayak deaths far exceed any death rate in US
history. As I have said before, this high rate is only possible by
means of a deliberate and planned intention to take the lives of US

They are kids: Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, YMCA campers; and moms, dads,
brothers and sisters.

The moral ethic of these newsgroups, as I have said before, would make
Himmler, or another hate-filled person content. It is very easy to
murder innocent people, who are unsuspecting, and naturally trust that
the instructors' lobby would not try to kill them, or mislead the US
Coast Guard.

Water is an especially deadly MO (rate of body heat loss 25 times the
rate in air.) Canoes and kayaks without a built-in means of
self-rescue are extremely deadly.

Instruction is a murderous bait and switch scam, detailed in the
following book for all recent canoe and kayak instruction books: Canoe
and Kayak Scam Kills 1000 Americans: US Coast Guard Studies Device to
Save Victims paste in address bar of browser if link doesn't work:

