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Default Seeking advice to secure a GPS to a kayak deck

You will need a bag for a GPS V since it is not waterproof. I have an
Etrex Vista which is waterproof. I put it in a GPS bag I bought at
Boaters World. I tie the strap to to the kayak and position it on or in
front of my deck bag so I can see it as I paddle. In the past, I used it
with a RAM mount with my Klepper. The moisture and spray caused
corrosion on the interface contacts. I have had no problems with water
getting into the battery compartment even though it was under water for
15 minutes when my Klepper capsized under sail. I now only use it with
the GPS bag. If you use it with a RAM mount, you will at the least have
corrosion problems. If you capsize or take substantial overwash, your
GPS V will be toast.

Greg Smith wrote:
I am taking a sea kayaking trip to the Gulf Islands National Seashore
(o.r.c-k posters don't flame me...this is a gear question) and I am
trying too determine the best way to attach my Garmin GPS V to the deck
of my fiberglass kayak.

I usually canoe so this hasn't been an issue for me before.

I have a RAM Mount with a short arm and a 4" suction mount but the whole
assembly is rather cumbersome to have mounted right in front of me.

If I position the GPS close enough to read its puny display, it's so
close that it will interfere with where I set my paddle or gets tangled
in my paddle leash. Move it out of the way and it might as well be
inside the boat since I can't read it at greater than arm's length.

I think the RAM suction mount is probably prenty strong to hold the GPS
and I would certainly use a security leash to back it up. Something
tells me there's a better way though.

Would I be better off using deck bag or vinyl sport pouch on the deck?
Bear in mind that the GPS V is water restistant to 1 m and won't be
harmed by salt water spray.

Any advice to offer? I'd appreciate it.