Yakima rack noise
On Mon, 12 Mar 2001 23:38:10 GMT, Wilko wrote:
I tried wrapping the bars with string. It helped but not enough.
I'll probably end up with black pipe insulation, attached with
wire ties. I hate the looks of duct tape.
Duct tape is ok on black pipe insulation if you can find black duct tape.
I used tie wraps (brand name?) to keep foam pipe insulation on the
vertical pipes on my roofrack, that really helps keep the noise down
(well, as long as I stay under 120 mph on the Autobahn, that is... :-)).
My thought, instead of wire tie wraps (which, I think, would have to be cut
off and replaced if I need a flat rack surface), is to use nylon straps to
hold the pipe insulation in place as needed. I'm thinking of such straps
sold in camping or automotive departments...
cheers, Stephen