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Brian Nystrom
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Default Kayak's recomended!

Gene Cosloy wrote:

Brian Nystrom wrote in message ...

Since you're already familiar with Lincoln products, I suggest that you
check out the Isle Au Haut. It's a very nice, very seaworthy boat. It's
longer than your specified limit, but unless there's a specific need to
keep the boat that short, you shouldn't limit yourself.

Thanks for the input. Actually 16' was not a limit as much as a
reflection of my lack of knowledge. I just assummed that the longer
the boat, particularly with no rocker, the less maneuverable. My other
criteria is light as possible. Longer boats tend to be heavier.

Maneuverability is a function of design. There are some long boats that
are quite maneuverable. I would rate the Isle au Haut and moderately
maneuverable, that is, well balanced between maneuverability and tracking.

As you know, all the Lincoln boats are light weight.