PFD Statistics and Mandatory-Wear requirment proposal
Walt wrote in message
Were the US Coast Guard to issue such a regulation (and I am unaware of
anything actually pending) it would apply only where the Coast Guard has
Just because the government has no jurisdiction does not meant that it
won't try to impose its will on the states. Look at the 55 MPH speed
limit, seat belt laws, and education (to name a few areas). These are
areas where, constitutionally, the states should be able to make the
rules. But, as long as the federal government continues to tax us at
a high rate and then gives it back with strings attached, they will
call the shots whenever they want to.
The worst part is that any such regulation is likely to be pretty
arcane. For example, there was a time when rafts (and other boats of
a particular size) had to carry a "Throwable Flotation Device," an air
horn, and a fire extinguisher. Wes****er Canyon is now inspecting
life jackets before you are allowed on the river. If it does not
specifically say "For Whitewater Use" or "For Paddling" or if it is
faded or modified in any way, you are denied the right to float.
I really think that we are better off with the federal government
defending us and regulating interstate commerce (and a few other
constitutionally mandated functions) and then leaving most of the
other decisions to the states or to the individual. When it comes to
paddling equipment, I'd like to make my own choices and I will take
the consequences thank you.