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Default PFD Statistics and Mandatory-Wear requirment proposal

Randy Hodges wrote:
Walt wrote in message

Were the US Coast Guard to issue such a regulation (and I am unaware of
anything actually pending) it would apply only where the Coast Guard has

Just because the government has no jurisdiction does not meant that it
won't try to impose its will on the states. Look at the 55 MPH speed
limit, seat belt laws, and education (to name a few areas).

Point taken. US Congress can arm-twist states through appropriations
bills. But unlike road construction and education, boating is not
highly subsidized by Federal grants to the states, so the leverage is
ouite limited. I don't see a bill coming out of congress that says
"make PFDs mandatory or we'll cut the funding for X for your state."

The worst part is that any such regulation is likely to be pretty
arcane. For example, there was a time when rafts (and other boats of
a particular size) had to carry a "Throwable Flotation Device," an air
horn, and a fire extinguisher.

Still true today, depending on what state's jurisdiction you're in. We
have a patchwork system of hundreds (if not thousands) of separate
jurisdictions each with it's own rules that vary by boat size and type.
Not that I'm arguing for comprehensive Federal regulation to supplant
state and local laws, but a single set of laws for the entire country
would be significantly *less* arcane.
