True 'Mericans...
On 9/19/15 8:58 AM, True North wrote:
Kalif swill's...
"Heck, look at the wackos and crooks ruling Canada."
Right you are Swill.....and guess what..they are with the Conservative Party of Canada.
No surprise eh?
On the other hand, we don't drag our elections out like y'all, we'll kick them to the curb next month.
Hey, now...we have wonderful candidates like Donald *Mr. Insult* Trump,
Ben *I know nothing* Carson, Carly *I fired 30,000 Americans* Fiorina,
Jeb *Duller than Beige Paint* Bush, Mike *Jesus would have nothing to do
with me* Huckabee, and a bunch more. No one has more wackos than the GOP...