Troubles mounting...
On Sat, 19 Sep 2015 12:17:38 -0400, Justan Olphart
On 9/19/2015 12:19 PM, Wayne.B wrote:
On Sat, 19 Sep 2015 10:32:52 -0400, Justan Olphart
When they were building the DC Metro we had lots of coal miners who
moved there to blast subway tunnels. My nieces family was in the heavy
equipment business and they worked there too. I had a drink or 6 with
lots of those miners. Even in the 70s, they still ware not sure coal
was THAT deadly, in spite of the fact that everyone they knew had some
kind of problem from it..
Amazing how you can put on ther blinders when your livelihood is on
the line.
Like Krause making his living messing around with Mafioso. He ended up
dodging bullets, if you can believe him. He's still got the blinders on
re. his participation in illegal activities.
Harry is a legend in his own mind, and a joke in everyone else's.
You should copy-rite that statement. :-)
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