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John Fereira
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Default Kayak's recomended!

(Gene Cosloy) wrote in

Brian Nystrom wrote in message
Since you're already familiar with Lincoln products, I suggest that
you check out the Isle Au Haut. It's a very nice, very seaworthy boat.
It's longer than your specified limit, but unless there's a specific
need to keep the boat that short, you shouldn't limit yourself.

Thanks for the input. Actually 16' was not a limit as much as a
reflection of my lack of knowledge. I just assummed that the longer
the boat, particularly with no rocker, the less maneuverable.

While that is generally true, how maneuverable does a sea kayak really need
to be? Unless you're going to be paddling in off shore rock gardens,
surfing, or on moving rivers with obstructions a very maneuverable boat
isn't going to provide much of an advantage. Most of the time you will most
likely want a sea kayak that tracks well. Any kayak can be turned around in
it's own length with a few sweep strokes. It's just that a longer boat
might require 1 or 2 more sweeps than a more maneuverable boat.

What is sounds like is that you're looking for a boat that will be conducive
to developing your skills, and while it is more rewarding to have a craft
that responds easier to turning strokes, you can develope skills in a 17'6"
boat just as easy as in a 16' boat. If anything learning bracing turns,
bow/stern rudders in a stiffer tracking boat might be better because it
provide a little more challenge to get the boat to react.

From the list of boats you described in another post, all of them should
meet your criteria. Go out and paddle them and decide for yourself which is
best for you.