Round 'em up?
On 9/23/2015 8:34 AM, Keyser Söze wrote
Poll: Nearly a third of Iowa GOP wants to criminalize Islam
The top-line results in the latest Public Policy Polling survey suggest
Iowa Republicans are largely in line with GOP voters nationally. But
that’s not what’s important in this poll.
What’s far more striking is this:
Hacking infidels heads off in the name of Allah is illegal in the United
States. I'm sure there are international laws against the practice as well.
Let that sink in for a moment.
After Ben Carson said Muslims should be disqualified for the presidency
because of their faith, his campaign manager boasted, “While the left
wing is huffing and puffing over it, Republican primary voters are with
us at least 80-20. People in Iowa particularly, are like, ‘Yeah! We’re
not going to vote for a Muslim again either.”
You can huff and puff all you want Krausie. It ain't gonna change nuttin.