Thread: Outboard Motor
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Default Outboard Motor

Richard Ferguson wrote:

I have a 4 hp Yamaha 4-stroke, much quieter than my old 7 hp 2-stroke,
especially at low RPM. I imagine that a smaller Honda 4 stroke would be
even quieter.

I have not used it on my canoe, too heavy, probably too powerful, around
50 pounds, I recall.

What size is your canoe? For weight/power comparison (not sound levels)
I have an older Evinrude twin-6 which weighs just about 50# and drives
my 20' canoe just dandy. I have some counterweights that help trim the
canoe - run them up or down the right side till trim. Loaded light or
heavy I can make excellent time in calm water; loaded light to medium I
have excellent power & control in anything up to Class II+ whitewater.

Unless your canoe is ratther small, say under 16', I'd guess that
careful experimentation with load & trim would get you good results. I'd
suggest 18' minimum for canoe w/ flat bottom or very slight vee if any.

Yours in the north Maine woods,
Pete Hilton (Reg. Maine Guide) aka The Ent

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