Pardon me mr. President, but...
On Fri, 2 Oct 2015 09:31:01 -0400, "Mr. Luddite"
On 10/2/2015 8:10 AM, Tim wrote:
Right now Chicago is a bullet throwing blood bath and has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation. My statement still stands
I think people expect too much too quickly when an attempt is made to
address a social problem. Your state's "tougher" gun laws are fairly
recent. They are not going to have much effect on those who already
have firearms or know who to pay to get one.
It may take a generation or two in order to start seeing positive
results. You have to start somewhere. The same old, same old NRA
excuses as to why they won't work are wearing thin.
Chicago has had tough gun laws for 50 years
If we are just waiting for a generational change, just wait. In spite
of the hyperbole in the media, the actual murder rate has been in
decline for years.
The fact also remains the biggest "stranger danger" is still
surrounding the drug business. Nobody on the left wants to talk about
The mass shooting thing is media driven as much as anything. These are
unstable people who are suicidal and want to go out as a famous
person. Shoot up a soft target and you can be the only thing on the
news for weeks and the object of google searches forever.
I don't know how you address it but I doubt anyone will come up with a
"law" solution that is not going to be challenged from the right and
the left. The most obvious thing is trying to stop these guys before
they start shooting but that is hard to do without infringing on their
rights. You can't arrest someone until they actually commit a crime.