On mass shootings... an answer
On Sun, 4 Oct 2015 14:08:56 -0700, Califbill billnews wrote:
Yup. All those little kids at Sandy Hook shuda just thrown their copies
of "Dick, Jane and Sally" at the gunman.
This conversation is getting funny. A bunch of unarmed people are going
to ward off a guy with a large magazine, semi-automatic
by throwing books at him.
Boy, that will put terror in the heart of the next nutcase with a gun
who decides to make himself famous.
If the books hit, he will be dodging. Just going to stand there and wait
to be shot?
If you look around the normal office or classroom, there will be lots
of stuff you can throw.
Eventually someone will man up and go get the guy if he gets
distracted enough
The other part of the drill should be to scatter. Create a situation
where he is always surrounded, Once you clump up, it is easy to shoot
a lot of people without having to really look around,
John probably has the army term for that.
I have no problem with the idea of turning off the light and hoping
you get passed by but that is not going to work for everyone.
I know when Charlie Mann shot up the IBM rust bucket in DC (actually
Maryland) the guys in the computer room spread out and armed
themselves with whatever they could find. They never got to test my
theory because the guy didn't go there but they were not going to be
willing victims. It might have helped that most were veterans with
military training.
BTW that may have been the first "workplace" shooting that we ever
heard about. It was before the post office people started making it