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Michael Daly
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Default Kayak's recomended!

On 19-May-2004, (Gene Cosloy) wrote:

Is keeping the boat on track something else that will improve
with time and experience or is my initial judgement correct that the
Capella is a more playful boat that trades off tracking efficiency.

Try paddling a WW kayak for a considerable distance a bunch of times.
You'll either give up kayaking or learn to keep it in a straight
line :-) The skills you learn (which become automatic) will allow
you to paddle maneouverable sea kayaks more comfortably and not
feel so concerned about tracking.

I'm not advocating not using a skeg, but being confident in handling
a low-tracking kayak and also having tracking with the skeg opens
a few horizons. (i.e. as everything in kayaking, skill beats
