Thread: Kayak stability
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Michael Daly
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Default Kayak stability

On 4-Jun-2004, Peter wrote:

A study done by David Jones (The Stability Of The Bicycle; Physics Today,
April 1970, 34-40) used a variety of modified bicycle designs to
determine the key elements in stability.

An earlier analysis of this stuff is in Timoshenko's book on Dynamics.
It is indeed centripetal and (D'Alembert) centrifugal forces that
provide stability to a bike. The degrees of freedom in a bike are
coupled - if you turn the front wheel to the left or right, the
bike leans a bit accordingly. This changes its direction which
generates a counteracting centrifugal righting force.

But I would expect the
movement to help rather than hinder stability. The upper part of the
bow curves outward and if this surface is brought into contact with the
water by leaning the boat then the forward movement of this curved
surface should tend to produce an additional righting force.

OTOH, the water flowing over the surface may generate a normal force.
Water flowing over the surface results in less pressure on that surface.
hat that does in the end depends on the orientation of that force
relative to other forces.

I've been told that longitudinal stability is enhanced with motion, but
I have no idea what it would do to rolling stability of a heeled craft.
It seems to be below my threshhold of awareness, regardless.
