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Default Removable permit stickers

"don schad" wrote in message
riverman wrote:

Back when I was a ski bum, we used to buy the day-passes from folks who

leaving and put them on our jackets. To get them off, we'd wipe them

brake fluid: it completely neutralized the glue and the sticker would

off like a piece of wet paper, but when it dried, it completely

reactivated the glue, and left no trace on the ticket. It also worked on

State of Maine Inspection stickers (if you had a car that wouldn't pass
inspection, just head down to the junkyard and find some car that

wrecked, and take that sticker off the windshield using brake fluid as a
solvent. ...Allegedly...)

Has anyone tried that on their permit stickers?

Was that brake fluid or brake cleaner? Brake cleaner (usually comes in
a can with propellent) will evaporate w/o leaning a residue and is
pretty good at removing everything. I don't think that brake fluid
evaporates all the readily (I don't know, I've never played with it).

Ahh, yes. It was brake cleaner. It came in a spray can, and we used to jam
a straw from a can of WD40 to help our aim. Does anyone know if brake
cleaner is reactive with gelcoat like brake fluid probably is?
