Thread: Kayak stability
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Gene Cosloy
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Default Kayak stability

"Michael Daly" wrote in message ...
On 4-Jun-2004, Peter wrote:

Sure, there are plenty of references that make the theoretical claim
that gyroscopic forces result in bicycle stability.

Umm,... Timoshenko showed that gyroscopic forces were essentially irrelevant.
I was confirming your point, but identifying earlier analyses exist than
Jones. I wouldn't be surprised if Jones referenced Timoshenko. It's a
classic text in mechanical engineering. Whitt and Wilson's book on bicycling
science also catalogued many studies on bicycle stability done before WWII.


Slightly different question: If you're familiar with SeaKayak magazine
reviews, they supply some interesting numerical data with respect to
the subject of stability. As an example, if given the same or equal
conditions, if it takes say only 10 foot lbs of force to heel a boat
25 degrees which represents the point of imminent capsize, that should
also mean that it requires the same amount of force applied opposite
to right the boat?

Now if another boat requires 20 foot lbs to heel the boat the same 25
degrees and with the same result i.e. imminent capsize, and the same
amount to resist or right the boat, which boat is more stabile? Which
is easier to control? Which would you rather paddle? while the charts
and numerical values can be wildly divergent, the reviews narrative
descriptions regarding stability frequently appear to be similar.
