Home, home on...
....the range...
Was up at the 50-yard indoor range with the new CZ 455 American bolt
action .22LR that I bought with the proceeds of the sale of my S&W “AR”
15-22. The S&W was a great little rifle, but I wanted something quieter
to use with my suppressor.
Anyway, without the suppressor and using CCI Mini Mags, I was shooting
1/2” to 1/3” groups at 50 yards with the rifle scoped up and resting on
a shooting bag. I knew these CZ rifles were pretty accurate, but I
wasn’t expecting these results. In the next few weeks, I’ll get out to
the outdoor 100-yard range and see what I can do.
The groups opened up a bit when I twisted on the suppressor and switched
to CCI Standard Velocity (subsonic) rounds. The point of aim was a
little different, and I didn’t shoot enough with the suppressor to see
if I could actually duplicate the earlier results without the suppressor.
I don’t have a sound pressure meter, but with the suppressor attached,
there’s hardly any noise, or so it sounds to me.
Oh, boating related - saw a guy in a pick-me-up truck towing his 25’
Grady somewhere.