On 11/4/15 12:58 PM, Mr. Luddite wrote:
On 11/4/2015 12:19 PM, Keyser Söze wrote:
On 11/4/15 12:06 PM, Califbill wrote:
Keyser Söze wrote:
On 11/4/15 9:20 AM, Mr. Luddite wrote:
On 11/4/2015 8:15 AM, Keyser Söze wrote:
...has a liberal bias...
So, is the mainstream media really left-wing, or even liberal, as
on the right love to claim?
Tt should be noted that the real world tends to have a liberal bias
— at
least what Ted Cruz considers a liberal bias. Take climate change,
example. The fact that the climate is warming because of human
is a completely uncontroversial notion; it is happening, and the vast
majority of scientists agree that it will be catastrophic for
if nothing is done very soon. That the mainstream media does not
the issue of climate change, or claim that it is some giant left-wing
conspiracy, does not prove it is liberal, but that it is operating in
reality. Cruz does not operate in reality, and believes climate
(i.e. science) is a “religion.” But just because Cruz believes
this, or
his deranged father, Rafael, believes that evolution is a communist
does not mean that evolutionary biologists are communists or that
climate scientists are religious fanatics — it means that Rafael Cruz
and his son are delusional.
- - -
How and from what sources has the "real world" been convinced that
climate change is a result of human activity? Who has declared that
human activity being the cause is an "uncontroversial notion"?
Why, of course. Liberals and the liberal media.
Right, because nearly all the scientists who agree human activity is a
major contributor to global warming/climate chage are card-carrying
liberals, and, of course, nearly all scientists agree.
Gotta love rec.boats, the Ben Carson-approved usenet group.
I guess the rise of man and agriculture stopped the ice age 10,000 years
How could that be possible when Dr. Ben believes "creation" didn't
happen that far in the past?
Let's keep it honest and accurate, shall we?
Carson has never made a claim as to *when" mankind was created.
In fact, here's a direct quote by him:
" -- and I’m not a hard and fast person who says the Earth is only 6,000
years old -- "
and, referencing the Bible:
“It says, in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth,” “It
doesn’t say when He created them except for "in the beginning."
BTW, Carson *does* believe in evolution, but not on the grand scale as
proposed by Darwin. He claims that according to the Bible each thing
brought forth was after its own kind. Evolutionary changes *within*
each species has occurred to adapt to changing climates and/or
environments. He has also stated, "But in no way has a species evolved
into another species".
This certainly isn't the view of someone who thinks life on earth is
only 6 or 10 thousand years old.
Gotta keep the liberal smear machine honest once in a while.....
Gosh...you've evolved into the defender of Obnoxious Trump and Know
Nothing Carson. Congrats.
Oh, and the Carson quote on evolutionary change demonstrates his belief
in the bible over his belief in evolution and evolutionary theory.
Carson is a "creationist," ergo, a believer in superstitious bull****.