On 11/5/2015 11:44 AM, Keyser Söze wrote:
On 11/5/15 11:26 AM, Mr. Luddite wrote:
On 11/5/2015 11:03 AM, wrote:
On Thu, 5 Nov 2015 10:19:53 -0500, Keyser Söze wrote:
...money to waste on the military, but kids need a food bank...
N.C. high school students start food pantry to keep classmates from
going hungry
People helping people and you **** on it. Way to go.
Here's something I was thinking about that cracks me up.
The USA spends more on national defense than Russia, China
and the next two largest (militarily) countries combined, yet in
many ways Russia and maybe even China are rapidly approaching parity
with the USA in terms of military strength.
If Russia and China can do that at a fraction of the cost that the USA
spends, the problem really isn't funding the programs ... the problem is
the inefficiencies that exist in our government programs.
The government collects the funds from the taxpayers and then blows it
spending $43 million to build a $250k propane gas station.
So, when it comes to welfare or social programs, the liberal mindset is
to hand over even more money and authority to the same federal
government that can't effectively or efficiently manage the programs
they already have.
We were much better off dealing with social welfare issues at a state
and local level and through citizen initiated programs that target
specific problems. Historically, churches and other organizations like
the Rotary, Elks, Masons, etc., often participated in the organization
and management of these.
Handing the reigns over to the fed and thinking it will "take care" of
the problems is nuts.
The government contracts out for much of what it needs for the military.
It's the contractors - the corporations - that are robbing us blind here.
The government has admitted that they don't have a clue where the $43
million for the gas station went.
The government ... meaning the Congress and the POTUS ... has the
responsibility to spend taxpayer's money wisely. They may "contract out"
.... but they are still accountable for where the $$ went.