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Michael Daly
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Default Paddler's Weight vs. Stability and Performance?

On 19-Jun-2004, Brian Nystrom wrote:

(THS in MPH = 1.34 x the square root of the waterline

Minor nit - that formula's for knots, not mph.

By the way , the guy did say he practically sank the sot. In that
case, stability would be limited and lifting his legs _might_ have
done the trick regardless of the CG change. His comment about the
elliptical section suggests that the sot has a bit of tumblehome.
That would mean that if he's significantly close to sinking, he
has no righting moment increase on heel. Any reduction in
stabilization ("sponson" effects, roll damping from his legs, CG
position etc) can undo everything.

While your argument is completely correct for the typical situation,
I think his explanation is a bit vague/difficult to envision - hence
he might be partially correct without being able to express it in
standard terms. The bigger problem is that he's viewing the general
characteristics of kayaks from his single, possibly atypical,
