On 11/11/15 1:32 PM,
On Wed, 11 Nov 2015 11:05:25 -0500, "Mr. Luddite"
Don't fall over but I actually like and respect Bernie. I think he's
the most honest of all who are seeking their respective nominations and
his passion for what he holds as beliefs is evident. Not sure I could
vote for him, but if I *had* to choose between him and Hillary, I'd
seriously consider it.
If Bernie could actually explain how he is going to pay for the
programs I could support him. I agree with him on a lot of issues and
he does seem to be his own man.
It is telling that he managed to rack up $65,000 worth of credit card
debt. I am not sure I want him making decisions on my finances as a
tax payer.
Bernie has a web page with brief but interesting discussion of issues
and his positions...
I'm getting to the point that I simply cannot stand to watch Trump. Of
course, I disagree with his positions on many issues, but that's not
*the* issue with me. He's just so completely obnoxious, over the top,
bombastic, detail-less, and hate-filled. I suppose that's what makes him
so popular.
Carson puts me to sleep. Talk about low energy...good grief.