On 11/12/15 8:43 AM, amdx wrote:
On 11/12/2015 6:36 AM, Justan Olphart wrote:
On 11/11/2015 9:56 PM, Califbill wrote:
Keyser Söze wrote:
On 11/11/15 4:29 PM, John H. wrote:
On Wed, 11 Nov 2015 16:27:05 -0500, Keyser Söze
If I have it right, you think we need more illegal aliens, the
is fine, there are plenty of jobs available, spending levels need
to be
higher, the $19 trillion dept needs to be bigger, the IRS needs more
pages of regulations, government should take more from the
workers in
taxes, we need more regulations on people and businesses, a
attack here and there is fine, no need to increase military
we don't need to repatriate overseas earnings, we need to tax it, no
need to try and improve our trade, currency manipulation is not
It would be interesting to hear from you what part of the above he
got wrong.
Ban idiots, not guns!
The GOPer wannabes did not present workable solutions to any of the
problems facing this country. Cutting taxes for the wealthy does not
solve these problems, it simply puts more wealth they don't need in
their pockets. The funniest one, though, is the implication that we
to spend more on the military. Wasn't it that idiot Rubio who suggested
that? We do need to spend more on care for veterans, but the money for
that can easily be found within the existing military budget, which
should be gradually cut by at least 50%.
What are the Democratic candidates plans?
Besides touching up her roots and getting botox injections in her
cheeks? Good question?
Do you think Bill is secretly hoping she goes to jail so he has free
reign chasing tail?
It's always telling to see what occupies what little mind there is among
the Republican base.