Thread: How much skeg?
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Michael Daly
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Default How much skeg?

On 30-Jun-2004, "Mike Hackett" wrote:

Huh, looks like a fin to me, kinda triangle-shaped. Whatever.

T'ain't a fin, but a flat triangular plate. Some kayaks have a fin shaped
skeg that sticks way down when fully deployed, others use the little
triangle like the Caribou S and Gulfstream.

I do have to try the ballast technique, [...]
I don't want to transport it or hump it on my shoulder with that extra
weight in there.

Get some big bottles from the recycling bin and fill them with water when
you get to the launch. Dump the water when you're done.

I'm also wondering what detriment paddling that extra weight around is when
you don't really need it. And exactly how much it changes the attitude of
the boat, does it assume a goofy bow up/stern down angle.

It'll change your trim a bit but whether it adds significant drag is another
story. If it's really significant, you've got way too much ballast. I seem
to remember folks suggesting about 20 lb (ten liters of water) in the rear
compartment. YMMV

The extra water will also increase the stability a tad.
