Lewis & Clark re-enactments?
On 23 Jul 2004 06:43:39 -0700, (Mike McCrea)
I'm wondering about on-going Lewis & Clark re-enactments.
There must be a few taking place. Anyone know who is doing what where?
Solo route retracers? Big expeditions in recreations of period boats
and gear? Anything to follow along on-line?
I don't know about reenactments taking place now, but last year they
came out with an Omni film called something like "Voyage of Discovery
- Lewis and Clark".
They did their footage at various points along the original route, and
it was quite impressive that they could find so many locations that
look just like what L&C saw 200 years ago.
Anyone who enjoys the outdoors and wilderness will enjoy the scenery,
and it does a good job of describing their voyage and its
It shows at the special Omni or Imax theatres, often connected with
science museums, aquariums, etc.
Well worth finding a showing.
Happy trails,
Gary (net.yogi.bear)
at the 51st percentile of ursine intelligence
Gary D. Schwartz, Needham, MA, USA
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