Gas reminder
On Thu, 17 Dec 2015 10:08:00 -0800 (PST), True North
Justan Ohlphart wrote:
John H. Wrote in message:
- show quoted text -
You really need to remember the last item
"There was a story on the radio in the last year, where senior guy and wife
stopped for lunch on some "thong trip". *Guy forgot his wife and left.
People in diner bought her a bus ticket to final destination, and cops
looked for husband to tell him. *Middle America. *Doubt the north east
would help her."
"thong trip"??
What the 'ell are y'all up to down there?
=== &bih=491&q=thongs&oq=thongs&gs_l=img.3..0l10.2497. 4755.0.5127. .1.64.img..0.6.648.-9U3qqU3v_8