" John Q Adams" writes:
There's been enough tripe thrown at the El Dorado County Sheriff by the
anonymous idiot, Tom.
I kayaked and hiked all over El Dorado County for 10 years. Frankly, our
philosophy was to get ourselves out of any problems we got into. And all
over Northern CA and OR, too.
And I, for my part, have never been to El Dorado County (that I know
of), but I can tell the sound of an axe being ground from the other
side of the continent. Nut with a grudge, ya know?
Looks to me like the anonymous idiot and his friends feel like the Sheriff's
office should substitute for their mommy and come rescue them when they lose
their little way. That's what maps, compasses, and GPS's are for. Get real,
stupid and gutless, or keep out of the woods and off the rivers. Where men
and women go without their mommies.
Kinda makes you wonder if a Personal Responsibility 101 course
shouldn't be required in schools. I got the clue early in life, at
about age five or so, singlehanding the family sailboat. I
distinctly remember being in the middle of a rather large lake and
thinking, "I got myself out here, and I am going to have to get
myself home." That thought sunk in and has never left me -- and
has, in fact, probably saved my butt many times in a subtle way, by
making me aware of where/when/how I should not go.
It's not for everyone, that feeling. Not everyone likes it, not
everyone is comfortable with it. To be truthful, I guess in some
ways I'm addicted to it. I reject and despise the term "adrenaline
junkie", but there is something in me that really craves that
feeling you get when you're out in the woods, on the mountain, on
the lake, on the river, WHEREVER...and you realize that what has to
be done may not be easy but it sure is simple, and YOU will have to
do it. All of it. Figure out where's to go, and go there. Pick up
your feet, swing your ice axe, move your paddle, do what it takes.
Your awareness expands, you notice things that a casual visitor does
not: a half-fallen tree where you might take shelter if the weather
gets bad, the sound of a stream down the hill to guide you, the
scratches of a black bear on a tree. The world gets bigger, you get
smaller, and you know your place in it.
Okay, that's enough profundity for one evening...
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Mary Malmros
Some days you're the windshield,
Other days you're the bug.