Picking up garbage yes or no
Mary Malmros wrote:
Kinda makes you wonder if a Personal Responsibility 101 course
shouldn't be required in schools. I got the clue early in life, at
about age five or so, singlehanding the family sailboat. I
distinctly remember being in the middle of a rather large lake and
thinking, "I got myself out here, and I am going to have to get
myself home." That thought sunk in and has never left me -- and
has, in fact, probably saved my butt many times in a subtle way, by
making me aware of where/when/how I should not go.
MY 3 year old is in mid-transition. The other day he pitched an
absolute fit because he wanted someone to dress him - never mind that he
knows how and can do it himself. After screaming himself hoarse for a
hour or so, he got dressed anyway. Now, he won't let anyone else dress
him; he's proud to do it himself.
Alas, some never get past that temper tantrum stage, and instead of
screaming in the privacy of their home, choose to display their
childishness on the web for everyone to see.
What am I on?
I'm on my bike, o__
6 hours a day, busting my ass. ,/'_
What are you on? --Lance Armstrong (_)\(_)