A reason to carry?
On Sat, 09 Jan 2016 12:19:49 -0500, John H.
Coming home I seriously considered carrying when I walked the dogs. This is the third
time a large dog has either attacked or threatened my dogs while I was walking them.
Two times were German Shepherds, this time a Pit Bull.
I think from now on I'll have a P938 in my pocket. This is getting ridiculous.
From a legal stand poing you're probably on much safer ground to first
try bear spray (pepper spray/mace) before you pull your firearm.
http://www.clevertraining.com/udap-safety-orange-pepper-power-bear-spray-with-hip-holster-7-9oz?CAWELAID=120229710000004048&catargetid=1202297 10000012586&cadevice=c&gclid=Cj0KEQiA_MK0BRDQsf_bs ZS-_OIBEiQADPf--sBqJa-WSahYFfRqPi822RpMq7GTJtUdtNKXZylNndoaAgU98P8HAQ
You don't want to end up in a situation where you use up your life
savings on legal fees.