MyRegMail wrote:
Well, two things:
(1) Older guidebooks list "Mash" and "Pure Screeming Hell" as Class IV(V).
Yeah, just as there was a limited time that class VII was used (as a
well known U.S. open boater once told me). Still, dat doesn't mean that
it's still correct nowadays, just as those older guidebooks'
descriptions (I have some German guidebooks from the 80's with
descriptions that still are valid, but with ratings that have been
changed considerably nowadays).
(2) Raft guides are prone to exaggerate ratings to hype-up the trip to their
paying customers.
All too true, I've witnessed this on a number of occasions. Then again,
someone interested in discussing East vs. West paddling would be advised
to know that, or not be taken seriously by any Western boater who has
done the Gauley.
Wilko van den Bergh Wilkoa t)dse(d o tnl
Eindhoven The Netherlands Europe
Look at the possibilities, don't worry about the limitations.