"Imitation guns"
Mr. Luddite wrote:
Just received an alert that the Massachusetts Legislature is fast
tracking a bill that prohibits hand or rifle pellet guns, BB guns
that are "substantially duplicates" of a real firearm to be black,
blue, silver or aluminum in color.
Additionally, this bill requires pellet or BB type handguns and rifles
to be painted with a non-removable, 1" wide orange stripe on each
side of it's barrel.
The bill allows police to confiscate non-compliant guns and rifles,
even if made before this legislation is enacted unless the owner
paints the required orange stripe on them.
The concept is to prevent police from inadvertently shooting someone
armed with a pellet or BB gun, mistaking it for real.
So, heads up to all you criminals in the state. Paint an orange stripe
on your Glock. It will confuse the police and may prevent you from
getting shot.
No kidding. I'm sure it's been done. You could also have a bright,
yellow Cerakote finish applied to it.