On Wed, 10 Feb 2016 13:29:52 -0500, Keyser Söze
I agree..."qualified," and simply defined and enforced, is the key.
Interestingly, in the years we have lived in Maryland, I have never been
asked to produce an ID to vote. When I go to the precinct, someone at
the check-in table looks up my name on a computer printout booklet, says
"OK," and hands me the form to hand to the voting machine "keepers." I
"registered" when I first applied for a Maryland drivers' license.
We have to show something with our picture on it but it could be a
Sams card, an EBT Id card or a state issued DMV ID card (not a DL).
There is a very long list of things that work.
The hole in the system is who can get themselves registered in the
first place. That is what TV-20 investigated. The problem is the DMV
has no way to verify people are citizens. If you show up with a valid
out of state license, they automatically swap it with a Florida
license and citizenship is not going to be on that out of state DMV
record. Some of the people NBC 2 found said they were registered
without even being asked to be but they still showed up at the polls..