Apple and the FBI
Unfortunately for Apple, the FBI is doing exactly what I predicted.
They are hacking that phone themselves. The reported exploit is also
what I predicted. They are going to clone the phone so they can just
do a brute force attack on the encryption and roll out another clone
every time it locks. It will be done in software so that is not as
cumbersome as it sounds. I still think this is Kubuki theater. My bet
is they already cracked that phone a month or more ago and were just
trying to lull the terrorists into thinking the I-phone was secure.
Letting news of this hack leak was a mistake.
It is a good thing we did not have this "free press" in WWII or we
would have lost that war.
Imagine a press that believed the public had the right to know when
and where D-Day was going to be and that we had cracked Enigma, JN25
and the Japanese diplomatic code.
We need to have a few secrets