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Allan Bennett
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Default Why is the rudder at the back?

In article , Roo
On Tue, 11 May 2004 20:32:44 +0100, Allan Bennett

somebody wrote
I also think this question could be given a lot of insight by some sweep
boaters; they have rudders/oars at both ends, and those guys are well
acquianted with steering with one or the other against the current
differential. Any sweep-oarsmen out there?

Rowers don't have bow-mounted rudders or fins. One guy has mounted a fin to
the front of his scull, but has not convinced others so to do.

Allan Bennett
Not a fan of numbskullers

Rowers might not have bow-mounted rudders or fins. I guess a "sweep
boater" is a type of rower. But I imagnied the sort of craft a
sweep-boater to use is one of those great big rubber rafts.

In which case from what I've seen they tend to use levers in any
direction rather than rudders in the context they are being described

Sweep-rowing is... rowing with a single oar per person, as opposed to
sculling which requires two sticks per person.

I am not aware of any local interpretations.

Of course, using a rudder, or a stroke described by 'us' as a rudder, does
not mean it is efficient or effective - just that it might serve a particular
purpose under certain conditions.

Racing kayakers employ a stern-mounted (usually understern) rudder and
whatever strokes necessary to assist in turning where the rudder is

Allan Bennett
Not a fan of U-turns
