The NRA is...
On Sun, 10 Jul 2016 18:32:20 -0400, Keyser Söze
News photos and reports showed some of the open carry morons carrying
semi-auto rifles. But that's not the point. The point is that the NRA
and other gun nutzies claim a "good citizen" carrying would stop a bad
guy shooting. That didn't happen in Dallas, and it typically doesn't
happen. A carry firearm might help you defend yourself, if you can get
to it in time and if you can shoot and if you get a shot. It's hardly a
weapon to shut down a crazy dude or a terrorist or terrorists who have
you outgunned and who don't care about their personal safety. What the
NRA promotes in carry to protect others is mostly a canard.
I agree with you to a certain point but the reality is, if a civilian
had fired a shot, 20 cops would have returned fire, even if he hit the
bad guy in the eye. Walking around downtown with a long gun is stupid
and the only way a handgun would be useful is if you were close to the