The NRA is...
On 7/11/16 8:22 AM, justan wrote:
Keyser Söze Wrote in message:
On 7/10/16 8:51 PM, justan wrote:
True North Wrote in message:
Justine giggles...
"Gosh Harry . You sure do know your mobster stuff. Explain about
the 22 business I seem to be in the dark about."
Harry would have to jamb an anti aircraft type searchlight up your butt to even start to enlightened you.
Is that how you two but thales communicate with each other?
"But Thales" Is that some sort of farmyard animal you prefer for
"intimate relations"?
I have no idea what it is. I've been trying without success to
turn off this predictor thingy
If it is a tablet:
Step 1.
Drag down from the top of the screen twice if you have Lollipop to bring
up the quick settings. Then tap the cog icon to open the settings menu.
On other phones/devices, it might be a slightly different route to
settings, but you can always check the app tray for the Settings app and
pin it to your home screen if you want a really quick way to change
Step 2.
Scroll down to Language & input and tap on it. Under the sub-heading
Keyboard & input methods you will see which keyboard you are currently
using and - not so obviously - the settings for it beneath that: the
menu item states the name of the keyboard and the language.
Step 3.
Tap on the name of the keyboard - in this case Google Keyboard and you
will see all the available settings. To turn off predictive text, tap
Text correction and then at the bottom of the next screen, turn off
"Next-word suggestions".
Another option in the Text correction menu is your Personal dictionary.
You can add words to this, and it's useful if Android tends to
auto-correct someone's name or another word you use regularly. When you
add a word, you can also enter a shortcut to type that word - that's
invaluable when you have long or complex words.