On Mon, 11 Jul 2016 16:34:51 -0400, Keyser Söze
On 7/11/16 3:37 PM, wrote:
On Mon, 11 Jul 2016 14:34:51 -0400, Keyser Söze
On 7/11/16 2:21 PM, wrote:
On Mon, 11 Jul 2016 12:27:14 -0400, Keyser Söze
...for whom the bell tolls:
According to new polling by right-wing political consultant Frank Luntz,
Americans 18 to 26 are extremely liberal
Of course they are. They have never really paid any bills and they
believe they are entitled to everything for free. Most of those kids
are still living with their parents.
Once they figure out that $18 trillion debt will land on them, they
might become a little more fiscally responsible.
The only difference between these kids and the flower children of the
60s is that these kids have not rejected their parent's money and
Heheheh. Hey, here's a libertarian idea for you: let's just get rid of
government and set everyone out on their own for everything.
News flash, It is THEIR money the government is spending now.
The question the left keeps kicking down the road is when we go after
them to get it.
We can't keep spending 125% of revenue. (the projection this year from
the White House)
Debt to GDP is 104% The last time we had that was in WWII.
The only reason we got out of that debt was because the US was
redesigned for total production and we blew up everyone else's ability
to produce much of anything (with the exception of the Soviets). The
world needed everything, we arranged a boycott of the Soviets and had
the ability to fill their needs. A decade later was the last time the
US actually balanced it's books.
Perhaps that does not trouble you because you think it is fine to just
print the money we need.
As I have stated here a number of times, we need to restructure our
society and make sure the poor and middle class have a good chance at
decent jobs and single payer health care coverage, we need to raise
taxes on the wealthy, we need to end any economic advantage and tax
breaks to corporations that export jobs, and we need to start
drastically cut military spending. Your plan, tossing tens of millions
of Americans to the curb, isn't going to hack it.
Yet you still want to vote for Hillary. Amazing.
She is a Wall Street lackey who never saw a war she didn't like.
I just remember, when the corporate safety net was yanked out from
under the middle class, the president was named Clinton.
When Walmart stopped being America's store and became the China outlet
mall, Hillary was on the board. When the trade agreements that
exported so many US jobs was signed, a guy named Clinton was the
president. When Wall Street and the banksters were allowed to rape the
country by repealing virtually all of the New Deal financial
regulation, a Clinton was the president.
Your democrat tunnel vision still keeps you from seeing any of this.
The average GOP voter has the same problem. That is why we have had
the same weasels running our government since 1989 and you still think
you had a choice when you voted. Didn't it bother you a little when
the same guys kept popping up "advising" succeeding administrations?