Michael Barrett Sheriff!
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Captain Cum Tanker
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Michael Barrett Sheriff!
(AMH I have actually been in a hydro!) wrote in message om...
Dear Mr. Big Irish Dick:
I have a strong suspicsion that Mr. Barrett did not leave this
wonderful group voluntarily. As Mike Barrett said once in one of his
postings: When you mess with the bull, you get the horns.
Anna Hearn
P.S. I am glad that you got amusement from the posting about me.
Dear Big Black Anna,
I am very entertained by anyone who ****s with you. You act like a
little angel that has had her wings ****ed with when the truth is you
are a big fat black Hearn loving whore bitch with a big ****ing mouth.
You get what you deserve in here. If you have the guts to make a post
deal with the responses bitch! I enjoy all of them Bitch!
PS. You didn't do **** to Mike Barrett. I speak to him every week!
Nice story. You fit right in the Hearn family!!
(BigIrishDick4U) wrote in message ...
I wish you would come back to the message board. Wyatt Eurp said it right in
his message. Michael Barrett is the Sheriff in here like it or not!! The guy
made fools of most of you that stepped on his toes! Come back tour Michael?
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