Free Market Victory
On Fri, 22 Jul 2016 14:18:09 -0400, Poquito Loco
On Fri, 22 Jul 2016 12:40:35 -0400 (EDT), justan wrote:
Poquito Loco Wrote in message:
On Fri, 22 Jul 2016 05:45:51 -0700 (PDT), True North wrote:
StinkyJim farts...
"Progressives need to push for demolishing all multi stall
bathrooms and replaceing them with individual lockable bathrooms
so the gays and libs can shoot up in privacy. Might even borrow
the handicap parking only idea and designate gay only and not
sure only privileged pottys."
Boy, you demand a lot for yourself and your buddies.
Actually, the solution is good for the GLBTZP crowd also.
I've lost track of the alphabet soup of letters that describe the
different kinds of gay people. It's really not important but it
would be nice if someone would explain it all.
Well, I accidentally left off the 'Q', which stands for 'queer' and is a PC term.
The rest, in order, a Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transsexual (or Transvestite, not sure which),
Zoophile, and Pedophile. None of those are 'sexual disorders' but are normal behaviors of those born
with such an inclination, i.e., they are 'natural' states of being.
I hope that didn't offend anybody.
"T" is currently "trans gender" but these things tend to change over
time. It used to be "trans sexual". (a person who actually believes
they were misassigned at birth)
Transvestite is a whole different shade of pink, typically a
homosexual who dresses to attract men for fun or profit. Cross
dressers are generally straight men who just like to dress like women.
At least that was what it was a while ago when we knew gay folks who
could explain these things.