On Sun, 24 Jul 2016 20:21:27 -0400, Keyser Söze
On 7/24/16 2:36 PM, wrote:
On Sun, 24 Jul 2016 14:08:47 -0400, Keyser Söze
Billionaire media mogul Michael Bloomberg will endorse Hillary Clinton
Not shocking. Wall street banksters stick together. The only thing
that makes him a Republican beyond that is his neocon stance on the
middle east wars. They all think you should turn in your mini-14
My guess is that Bloomberg is well-aware of the international and
national horrors of a Donald Trump as a POTUS. Like most of his
supporters, Trump is an ignorant, intellectually lazy bigot.
So are you admitting Hillary is a neocon friend of the banksters and
you only like her because she isn't trump? That is the thinking that
got us the other 4 Bushes.
I will agree it is too late to do anything about it but there is not a
good choice for president and if I was a conspiracy buff, I would say
trump was working for Hillary. He could not have set her up any better
if he was doing it on purpose. The only thing that might change my
mind is if he suddenly starts acting presidential, repudiates the
dumbest things he has said and starts working on rehabilitating his
relationships with the working class blacks and latinos.
On the latter, it may not be as hard as you think. His "crime" message
was aimed at the inner cities where they do need some law and order
and "legal" latinos have more to lose from illegal immigration than
your typical white guy. A green card person is not in competition with
middle class suburbanites, they are competing with off the books
"illegal" labor. The illegals are the ones who will vote for Hillary.
Of course if trump stays trump, Hillary will probably win and Gary
Johnson may pick off a few "Bernie" states. When you actually look at
the map, they are mostly "corn and cowboy" western states that are
dark red so the Bernie vote will not like the New York values of
either Don or Hill. It will come from the republican vote tho (as it
will for me)