On 9/5/16 12:20 PM, Califbill wrote:
On Mon, 5 Sep 2016 10:49:59 -0400, Keyser Soze wrote:
On 9/5/16 1:40 AM, wrote:
The Sunday shows had the original comment and a lot of comments but I
am still not sure I get it. What were they trying to say?
If you don't want a taco truck going down your street, vote for the
democrats. They are the ones who would regulate that guy off the
You can bet your ass code enforcement would run any kind of food truck
off the street Hillary lives on in Chappaqua.
OTOH I bet there is a 3d worlder running a hot dog stand in front of
Trump tower.
Gary would make it easier for a Mexican immigrant to set up a taco
No, you don't get it, The latino Trump supporter was claiming that his
Mexican culture was dominant and that it would take over up here and as
a result, we would have a taco truck on every corner. The taco truck
reference was not literal but figurative. We snarky dems saw his claim
as something at which to giggle, though for the foodies among us, more
taco trucks might be something we'd like. I don't believe the
Libertarian concept of more unlicensed food vendors is part of it.
"Taco" is far from my favorite Mexican food. I don't really like them
much. A real quesadilla or a good burrito is OK but good enchiladas
are my favorite. We used to have a real Mexican restaurant in Ft Myers
that was great but the owners got too old to run it and they closed.
Now we are left with American restaurants with a Mexican flair. (what
most people call "Mexican")
We have lots of taco trucks around here. Both Latinos and non Latinos
frequent them, also lots of great Mexican restaurants. We also have lots
of illegals and anchor babies in California. Biggest percentage of births
in San Diego are illegal moms who cross the border to have a baby in the
USA. Who pays for those births? Not the Federal Government, who should be
controlling immigration. The answer to illegals is easy. Issue work
permits. Worked from 1942 to 1964 or so. The reason we have so many
illegal workers here, is they work. Why work when as a welfare collector,
you get medical, and the equivalent of about $39,000 a year income, plus
you have time to work under the table. We do not question the status of
most workers who cut lawns, etc. my Mexican mow and blow guys, show up
each Saturday and do a great job. The white guy I had at one time for some
yard cleaning may or may not show up. Mexican tacos are good. Not like
those from Taco Bell. Personally I like Chile Verde, or enchiladas with
Verde sauce.
The last article I saw on welfare payments in California indicated the
max payment for a family of four was about $800, or about $10,000 a
year. I appreciate there are other benefits, but I don't see how you get
from there to $39,000.
I am, however, glad you can differentiate between good Mexican food and
Taco Bell.