Carver boats - a big mistake?
For what it's worth, here is my story and why I believe Carver's construction saved the lives of myself and 5 passengers.
July 08, 2016 on the south end of Georgian Bay, Ontario.
We were on our 1982 Carver 3007 Aft Cabin, cruising in calm seas and lightly clouded skies. Within a matter a minutes, we were in zero visibility, 5-6' choppy seas and a wind that was knocking us hard over. Watching our position on the chartplotter was the only way I knew where we were. Despite my best attempts at staying upright and out of the rocks, we ended up on a flat rock shoal where the boat was pounded severely for the next 30-40 mins. Every time the hull impacted, I expected to hear crunching fiberglass. All I heard was a sharp bang every time. Although the running gear was damaged, the hull came through with light superficial gelcoat damage. We later found that we had been caught in a Microcell with sustained winds of 62 kts!
Buy the Carver!
Carver makes good boats. I have a friend with a 35 ft. Sedan and he's had it for years on the Illinois river at Peoria. For a 30!yr old boat it still reeks with class. But he maintains it very well too.