Best Type of Stove
Try it before you trash it. I have a 2 burner "pour and light " alcohol
stove and it's great for almost all stove-top cooking.
I also bought a $50 portable BBQ and bolted it to the stern rail. I drilled
out the jet (one number drill size only!!!) so it now heats up in a flash.
Between the two I have pulled off everything from rack of lamb to pots of
I also take a little one burner Coleman white gas backpacking stove (which
gets used on deck only) for the espresso pot while doing pancakes and
bangers on the alcohol stove in the galley
"Eric Maschke" wrote in message
. ..
Just purchased a 1979 Pacific Seacraft Orion. The boat has had several
owners. The last owner took out the Force 10 stove (propane) and put in an
Origa alcohol stove. The Origa is not a pressurized stove, it is a pour
light type.
I was told that the Origa can barely boil water and is really bare bones.
the other hand if I go back to the propane I'll need to find a place to
store the bottle and rerun the propane line which I don't want to do.
I'm not doing any gourmet cooking but would like to be able to heat water
for coffee, fry up the occasional eggs and bacon for breakfast and cook up
the occasional fresh caught fish.
With this in mind, any ideas on self contained stoves? Alcohol or Kerosene
Manufacture? Pros and cons?