On Wed, 9 Nov 2016 17:09:50 -0500, "Mr. Luddite" wrote:
On 11/9/2016 4:48 PM, Ryan P. wrote:
On 11/9/2016 3:29 PM, Poquito Loco wrote:
On Wed, 09 Nov 2016 15:00:42 -0600, Califbill
The news made a big issue of how shocked this, and other countries,
were with the results of the
election. To me it says a lot about the mainstream media. The
Washington Post has gotten to be a
joke because of all the anti-Trump crap it spews as 'news'. The poll
results that made the news were
those favorable to Clinton. This country, and Europe especially, were
'shocked' because they'd been
led to believe that Trump was so bad that he didn't stand a chance.
I have a hard time empathizing with the mainstream media. Like you
said, many of them were so in the tank for Hillary that as part of their
"keep Trump out" operation, they probably ignored several warning signs
because they would have meant negative coverage of Hillary.
That being said, I think CNN by far had the best coverage of the
elections last night... While many of the reporters and anchors looked
like they just had their favorite dog kidnapped, they did the best job
of digging into the breakdowns of why each state fell the way it did.
FOX spent too much time on talking heads, and not enough on the
I mostly watched MSNBC because it was entertaining to see Rachael Maddow
wither and groan whenever a projection was made for Trump.
I thought she was going to completely lose it when Florida went to him.
Then, she started blaming it all on racism.
To his credit, Chris Matthews thoughtfully realized what was happening
and why.
I watched none of it, but what was Matthews take?