On 11/22/16 2:04 PM, Its Me wrote:
On Tuesday, November 22, 2016 at 1:51:57 PM UTC-5, Keyser Soze wrote:
On 11/22/16 1:22 PM, justan wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote in message:
On 11/22/16 11:10 AM, justan wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote in message:
On 11/22/16 9:48 AM, justan wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote in message:
On 11/22/16 9:08 AM, Mr. Luddite wrote:
On 11/22/2016 7:35 AM, Poquito Loco wrote:
On Mon, 21 Nov 2016 21:49:28 -0500, wrote:
On Mon, 21 Nov 2016 20:10:18 -0500, Alex wrote:
He is a man of his word when it comes to a gentleman's wager . I was
out of town for a few days and returned to find his postal money order
for our election bet.
I wasn't convinced that it would happen so I sent John the money I
"owed" him in advance. It will go to a great cause that might bring a
tear to Harry's eye. I'll leave it to John if he wants to fill in the
I know it is fun to play with him but I always thought he was a good
guy. I am a little disappointed we could not get together when I was
in his "hood".
I'd love to add a 'great minds think alike' comment, but here's proof
they don't.
I used to have respect for Harry's liberal views even though I didn't
necessarily agree with many of them. I often enjoyed friendly debate but
he's gone off the deep end it seems. He makes false claims about people
that he doesn't really know, repeating them over and over until he is
convinced in his obsessed mind that they are true. I can't deal with
that kind of warped and dishonest mentality. It's straight out of the
progressive liberal playbook.
But it is perfectly ok when your buddy Justan makes "false claims about
people he doesn't know," right?
Of course, right, because as you have told me, you think those claims
are "funny."
Perhaps a bit of satire based mostly on truth. Don't like it?
Don't read it. Prove me wrong on any of the truths I've told
about you.
Prove a moron like you wrong? What's the point?
Then stop whining. You are such a baby.
Your behavior doesn't bother me, **** for brains...it just gives me the
opportunity to point out your buddy's hypocrisy.
If you knew him, even casually, you wouldn't say that. Your
problem is that you look in the mirror too often and see whay you
acuse others of.
I call 'em as I see 'em, ****-for-brains. Most of your posts here are
nothing more than junior high school level insults.
The term "**** for brains" was a popular one back in junior high. You do realize you're the most prolific tosser of JHSLI's, don't you?
You should quit whining.
The popularity of phrases in junior high pretty much depends on when and
where you attended junior high. Back in the day when I was at Susan
Sheridan Junior High, jerks like Justan were referred to as "flamers,"
which was "short" for flaming assholes. Typically, one of the junior
high tough guys, and we had a few, would beat the **** out of the
Justans once a week and send them home with a bloody nose and a torn
shirt. Those of us who were smarter tutored some of the tough guys who
wanted to get through junior high and high school and therefore we were
considered untouchable.
We didn't have "anonymous" loudmouths back then. Justan would have had
to have behaved or been one of the class punching bags.