On Wed, 30 Nov 2016 19:58:06 -0500, Alex wrote:
That's a bad day. Even worse that it tipped to the side
It tipped when they pulled it out. The trailer was still attached and
it pulled sideways. I offered to go get my mask and unhook the trailer
but the tow guy said to just hook it wherever I could get on the truck
and he would pull it all out together. The thing was a total anyway so
it really did not matter.
The trailer came off the ball when it flipped and I was free diving
for the trailer, in an oil slick.
Last one I saw was a new Expedition in the Santa Cruz harbor. Floated on
to it's side while under water. Screwed up the ramp for a couple hours
while they retrieved the car. New car, and a new rib. I bet the wife's
were not happy when they got home.