What next?
On Thu, 1 Dec 2016 15:32:17 -0500 (EST), justan wrote:
Poco Loco Wrote in message:
On Thu, 1 Dec 2016 12:46:38 -0500, Keyser Soze wrote:
On 12/1/16 9:43 AM, True North wrote:
Watching Boston news on NBC this morning and I'm sure the announcer said Trump was going to appoint Sarah Palin as Secretary for Veterans Affairs.
Does he really think that little of vets? I'll have to keep up with 'merican news to see this play out.
Here for just a moment or two for a few giggles, and of course Sarah
Palin is always high on the giggle list. I would have said it was hard
to believe anyone would appoint a corrupt nincompoop incompetent like
Palin to any high federal post, but we're talking about Donald Trump,
and most of his appointments and plans so far have been and will prove
to be horrific for those who are not wealthy. And corrupt.
Did you see the deal he cooked to keep some of the jobs Carrier Air
Conditioning wanted to move to Mexico in Indiana? That's the usual
bull**** politicians in states play...they bribe a company to stay where
they are instead of deserting a city in search of lower wages and less
environmental controls.
Trump, as Luddite said, couldn't bribe anyone. He's not President yet. Is bribing 'a company to stay
where they are instead of deserting a city in search of lower wages and less environmental controls
worse than penalizing said company if they do so?
Guess what...you weren't missed. Maybe you should stick to your 'not going to be around' comment. Or
was that just another lie?
I missed him. There's really no one to poop on when Harry isn't
here making a fool of himself.
Donnie's *trying* to get pooped on.